Rush played a key role in securing $550 billion for climate policies, including $2.8 billion for electric vehicle infrastructure, $50 million to reduce air pollution near schools, $3 billion for environmental justice, $9 billion for lead pipe removal.
Bill also includes Child Tax Credit extension, postpartum care, paid family and medical leave, $5 billion for community violence prevention.
In his report to the city council, Les Swintek, city finance director, told the council that the 2021 estimated tax levy would be posted for public viewing, as required by law, before it is voted on in December. He said the tax levy is zero percent.
“It is a horrible truth that our legal team had to push relentlessly for nearly a year to obtain the unredacted video of Christian Hall’s killing. When we have to push so hard, it begs the question: ‘What is there to hide?’"
“In hindsight, it is clear that Hoover’s FBI was one of the truest enemies of the civil rights movement and the aspirations of America’s Black citizens.”
LOUIS PRESTA, 71, of Crestwood, pleaded guilty to one count of using a facility in interstate commerce in aid of bribery and official misconduct, and one count of filing a false income tax return.
The information charges TAMMY E. MOORE, 54, with one count of wire fraud. Moore will be arraigned in U.S. District Court in Rockford on a date to be determined.