"The City of Joliet is now in phase three of a multi-phase project to remove and replace lead service lines throughout the community water system," said Director Kim.
Democratic Party politicians in Illinois have been using Madigan money to keep themselves in office for decades, money that we now know was extorted through businesses and Illinois tax payers.
Previously the Thornton Township Board of Trustees had selected Joyce M. Washington as the township deputy supervisor in January before a permanent supervisor was nominated.
"I'm proud that Illinois is one of the top states in the nation for FAFSA completion - an achievement that wouldn't be possible without leaders in our school communities advocating for their students," said Governor JB Pritzker.
“Make no mistake: this is a violent crime done primarily to obtain an anonymous car to commit more acts of violence, frequently shootings,” Sheriff Dart told the committee.
"While he resigned as a Representative last year, he remains 13th Ward Committeeperson. I am calling for his resignation from this position as well," said President Preckwinkle.
TONY BELL served as executive director of the Center for Community Academic Success Partnerships, and BARBARA HARRIS was a CCASP project manager.