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Monthly Archives: June, 2022

Kaegi’s Top Staff Break Law on Cook County Residency Rules

“Fritz Kaegi thinks he and his office can flagrantly and routinely break the law with impunity,” said Kari Steele #karisteele

Attorney General Raoul Announces Over $230 Million Settlement With Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

MNK violated the Federal False Claims Act, which resulted in the submission of false claims to Illinois’ Medicaid program

Governor Pritzker Signs Bills Expanding Protection for Survivors of Sexual Assault

"Survivors of sexual assault need the system to work a lot better for them to seek and receive health care services as they process the trauma they've been through," said State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago). #survivor

Democrats for Life Proud to Endorse Pastor Chris Butler for U.S. Congress in Illinois District 1

“Our leaders must address these inequities by giving women and families the resources and support they need during and after pregnancy." #chrisbutler

Growing Southland Farm is Expanding Their Operation

Currently, over 95% of farmers are white and over 98% of all farmland is white-owned #soileviah

Judge Invalidates Dolton Mayor Recall Referendum Pushed by Village Trustees

A Cook County Circuit Court Judge on Wednesday, June 15, invalidated a politically inspired ballot referendum to recall the Mayor of the Village of Dolton, scoring a significant win for democracy at the local level, according to Mayor Tiffany Henyard. #TiffanyHenyard

Good Vibes and Fun at Tinley Park-Park District

There are several upcoming events at the Tinley Park - Park District

CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page

"These activities are why I have called to defund the CTU and end political indoctrination in Illinois schools once and for all." #SullivanForGovenor

Sen. Bernie Sanders Endorses Jonathan Jackson for Congress, Will Appear in Chicago for Public Announcement

"I know he will fight on their behalf in championing Medicare for All and a Green New Deal when he is in the Congress.”

Consumer and Small Business Protections Signed Into Law

“Keeping our stores and delivery services transparent about pricing will ensure that consumers know exactly what they are purchasing.” #senatorjoyce

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