Devore’s record of standing up to the state on behalf of those without political power in Illinois draws a sharp contrast with his opponent, Kwame Raoul, who has refused to challenge any instances of public corruption in nearly 4 years.
Needless to say, Monday’s Meeting Of The Board of Trustees: Committee Of The Whole Meeting was quite the spectacle. Marred by flagrant insults, disrespect, and an attempt to minimize a potential safety hazard concern regarding a land development project on 142nd & Cottage Grove.
“This program is beneficial to those who have early childhood care experience who wish to acquire additional skills or want to obtain a college education,” said Joyce.
Since going into effect in January 2020, New York’s bail reform law has led to an unprecedented massive rise in crime, violent reoffenders, and accused criminals skipping trial.
I'm calling for all Black people backing Bailey to "Get Out!" Just like that movie. Wake up and don't be influenced by these Trumptonians. Get out while you can.