"We are confident that Frances will bring a unique perspective to the table and ensure that we are building coalitions to advance the needs of working Illinoisans.” #aflcio
Governor Pritzker issued a proclamation announcing passage of the amendment and joined labor leaders and legislators in celebrating the achievement. #workersrights
"I’m proud of my work on the Cook County Board in recent years to establish this program and ensure those in the Southland and the county as a whole have the necessary resources to thrive, and I look forward to seeing its success." #promisepilot
Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Promise Pilot will send monthly payments of $500 to 3,250 residents for two years. #guaranteedincome
“Replacing the 50-year-old windows in the school buildings will ensure that each classroom has circulation of fresh air, that classrooms are warm in the winter and cool in the early summer months,” said Tillman.