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Monthly Archives: September, 2024

Attorney Pamela Curran Smith Announces run for Judge 12th Subcircuit

"Standing beside my clients in court, I have witnessed the impact of the judiciary on litigants, which has given me greater understanding of the effect of a judge’s ruling and gravity of the consequences. #election

Rep. Rita Joins State, Local Officials to Celebrate Opening of Rockford Casino

It is one of six casinos fueling economic activity and job growth in communities across Illinois, as part of a legislative package pushed through the Legislature by Rep. Rita in 2019. #casino

Illinois Department of Labor Presents 2024 Labor Day Report

To support this population, IDOL has partnered with community groups in Chicago to educate new arrivals about their rights under State labor laws. #laborday

Vote Her Out

"Send me to Washington, for a few years, please. I have common sense", he asked. #congress

Legislator says Illinois Senate president admitted to ‘quid pro quo’ at DNC

State Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, explained how top Democrats, like Harmon, wouldn’t allow the Invest in Kids Act renewal bill to be called this legislative session because it wasn’t favorable to public school teachers unions, who are large contributors to the Democrats’ campaigns. #dnc

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