The median home value of $150,000 now comes with a crushing $4,800 tax bill—far surpassing the burdens faced by homeowners in neighboring Calumet City ($3,500) and Lansing ($4,000). #burnham
Members of The Links, Incorporated contribute more than one million documented hours of community service annually, strengthening communities and enhancing the nation. #thelinks
In October 2022, 48-year-old Jorge Mondragon-Bahena was court-ordered on the Sheriff’s Electronic Monitoring Program after he was charged with Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Minor under the age of 13. #arrest
DeLuca introduced the bill after hearing concerns from constituents about the challenges older students face when trying to provide vaccine documentation. #vaccines
These measures come as the office experiences a significant rise in public demand for Vital Records, especially birth certificates and marriage licenses, amidst growing national uncertainty about legal and civil rights protections.