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Tinley Park Trustee Galante Abstains from Vote Approving Village Budget

Among the agenda items was Tinley Park’s annual budget, to which Trustee Galante abstained from voting, citing unanswered questions and alleging that items had been added, but not discussed at any meeting with her.

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Jason Allen
Jason Allen
Reporter for the Southland Journal covering Crestwood, Orland Park, and Tinley Park

Tinley Park Trustee Galante Abstains from Vote Approving Village Budget (Tinley Park, IL) — The Village of Tinley Park held its regular board meeting Tuesday, April 19. All members were present with the exception of Trustee Mahoney. Among the agenda items was Tinley Park’s annual budget, to which Trustee Galante abstained from voting, citing unanswered questions and alleging that items had been added, but not discussed at any meeting with her.  The rest of the board voted to approve.

Galante made the following statement as to her abstention:

I had sent some questions, prior to that I asked for meetings. With the new rules that I can’t meet with village employees without management approval, it made it very difficult. There was a lot of errors, I was told … nobody ever came back to me. The last thing I heard was ‘patience, we will get back to you,’ and we didn’t get back to me. So I just want to explain why I will be abstaining. … I don’t feel comfortable voting on something that the numbers, I still have questions and I don’t even know what a lot of the new items are being added – riverwalk – these are just items that have never been discussed in any meeting that I’ve been part of.

Galante made similar remarks at the previous special board meeting for the purpose of a public hearing on the budget. This is another instance of Galante referencing unanswered questions:

I hear everybody got their questions answered. I didn’t. That’s why I’m asking them here today. I didn’t do nothing. Our plant closed on the 15th, I did give notice that I was not gonna be able to be at that meeting, unfortunately. So this is the only opportunity I have, actually, to ask. I have to do it in a public forum. If I don’t get approval from the village manager, I cannot ask a question to a staff member so, unfortunately, I didn’t get all my answers, but I will putting together a list and I’ll send out … what’s left that I didn’t get answered back out to everybody.

Galante also asked that item A be removed from the consent agenda. The item was renamed 6A and read as follows:

6A. Consider adopting resolution 2022-R-037 approving a contract between the village of Tinley Park and Sikich LLP for annual financial audit services.

Galante questioned remaining with the Sikich LLP for another 5 years and discussed them reviewing previous audits, including BKD audits. Mayor Glotz replied “This is a totally different type of audit. Sikich audit and BKD audit are two separate items and two different types of scopes of work.” A separate vote was taken for item 6A with Galante voting no, the rest of the board voting to approve.

Other Agenda Items

  • Consider approval of agenda. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider approval of minutes of the regular village board meeting held on April 5, 2022. Approved unanimously.
  • Tinley Park Business Spotlight:  Presentations were given by Avocado Theory and Better Resume Service.
  • Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
    • Consider adopting resolution 2022-r-035 approving a contract between the village of Tinley Park and AT&T for dedicated internet and voice bundle in the monthly amount of $1,775.40.
    • Consider request from the Knights of Columbus to conduct a tag day fundraiser on Friday, September 16, and Saturday, September 17, 2022, at certain intersections in the village of Tinley Park.
    • Consider request from American Legion Post 615 to conduct a queen of hearts raffle from April 20, 2022, to April 19, 2023, with the maximum value of the prize not to exceed $250,000. Winners will be drawn at the American Legion Post 615, 17423 67th court, each Thursday.
    • Consider payment of outstanding bills in the amount of $2,570,299.03 as listed on the vendor board approval reports dated April 8, and 15, 2022.

The consent agenda items were approved unanimously.

  • Consider Resolution 2022-R-033 authorizing transfers from the general fund, water and sewer operations and maintenance funds, and commuter parking lot operations and maintenance fund. Approved Unanimously.
  • Consider adopting resolution 2022-R-025 authorizing the village manager to negotiate with the Cook County Land Bank Authority for the acquisition of property. Approved, Galante abstained.
  • Consider Ordinance 2022-O-026 approving the amendments of Sections 132.5 (cannabis) and 132.6 (drug paraphernalia) of the village of Tinley Park code of ordinances. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Ordinance 2022-O-027 granting a special use for a substantial deviation from the Park Place Pud at 16200 Harlem Avenue (Ascend Illinois, LLC). Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Ordinance 2022-O-028 granting a special use permit for an adult-use cannabis dispensing organization to Ascend Illinois, LLC at 16200 Harlem Avenue. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Resolution 2022-R-028 approving and accepting a final plat of subdivision for Loyola Medicine. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Ordinance 2022-O-029 amending Title XV Chapter 155 of the Tinley Park municipal code entitled “code” pertaining to the adoption of the 2021 international residential code, 2021 international property maintenance code, and the 2017 national electrical code. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Resolution 2022-R-034 approving the purchase of a fire engine in the amount of $830,000. Approved unanimously.
  • Consider adopting Resolution 2022-R-038 approving a contract with Strada Construction Company for the 2022 Concrete Flatwork & Curb Program. Approved unanimously.

Tinley Park Trustee Galante Abstains from Vote Approving Village Budget

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