Village of Dixmoor Wants Amicable Solution to Police Union Dues Issue (Dixmoor, IL) — A recent report by the Chicago Tribune alleged that the Village of Dixmoor has not been paying union dues for their part-time police officers, despite taking the funds out of the officers’ paychecks.
Dixmoor Village President Fitzgerald Roberts says there is no ill-intent with the issue of alleged non-payment of law enforcement union dues the Illinois Council of Police has publicly raised this week.
“We support our law enforcement officers and we will gladly honor any payment made regarding our employees,” Roberts said. “There is no need to escalate this situation. We have sent the Illinois Council of Police a letter. We want to sit down with the union and get an accounting of what if anything is owed and resolve this matter. I want to be clear in stating the fact that our intention is to make this situation right. We just want some clarity on what is owed.”
Roberts said the Village has not received a bill and what is needed is a meeting to get the situation resolved.
“We have had tremendous turnover in our police department, and we need to work out with the union what is owed so that we can pay the bill,” Dixmoor said. “We are hopeful the Illinois Council of Police will meet with us and resolve this issue amicably.”
Village of Dixmoor Wants Amicable Solution to Police Union Dues Issue