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Friday, March 14, 2025

Illinois Gaming Board reminds Illinoisans March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

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Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood
"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
Cleah House Banner Dolton

Illinois Gaming Board reminds Illinoisans March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (Chicago, IL) – During today’s regularly scheduled Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) meeting, the IGB Administrator reminded Illinoisans that March is Problem Gambling Awareness  Month, noting that the agency is working with the Illinois Department of Human Services  (IDHS) and others in bringing awareness to gambling addiction and recovery. 

“Problem gambling awareness and responsible gambling education demand our collective attention, effort, and action – and not just for one month a year,” said Illinois Gaming Board Administrator Marcus D. Fruchter. “The IGB maintains its commitment to the safety of Illinois gaming and is pleased to collaborate with Governor JB Pritzker, IDHS, the Illinois Council on Problem Gambling, Building Owners and Managers Association of Chicago, and other entities during this month and throughout the year, to encourage and facilitate responsible gaming, address problem gambling head on, and ensure that those who need help get the support, resources, and services they deserve without stigmatization and undue barriers.”

IGB operates a voluntary Self-Exclusion Program for Problem Gamblers which allows individuals to exclude themselves from all casinos and sportsbooks in Illinois. As of March 2025, a total of 15,613 individuals placed themselves on the Self-Exclusion Program list. The IGB website provides helpful information about responsible gambling resources and how to enroll in the Self-Exclusion Program. 

Anyone who believes they or a loved one has a gambling problem should visit Are You Really Winning – Illinois Helpline (helplineil.org) for information about the Illinois Department of Human Services Division. Problem gambling counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (800-426-2537) or by texting GAMB to 833234. 

The IGB encourages Illinoisans who plan to bet to do so safely and responsibly by staying  within their limits and only patronizing approved Illinois sports wagering, video gaming  and casino operators. Illinois patrons are urged to avoid unregulated online and retail  gambling operators whose “sweepstakes” games and other products mimic legal slot  machines, casino games, and sports betting. 

Administrator Fruchter also announced that Hillside (Illinois) LLC d/b/a Bet365, which received an IGB Management Service Provider License in December 2024, commenced

Sports Wagering operations on behalf of Walker’s Bluff Casino Resort earlier today after satisfying all necessary regulatory requirements. 

Administrator Fruchter provided an update on the IGB’s successful deployment and implementation of Ticket-in-Ticket-Out (TITO) technology in the Illinois video gaming market. On July 22, 2025, all Video Gaming Terminals (VGTs) with tested and certified TITO functionality will have those features simultaneously enabled by the IGB’s Video Gaming Central Communications System Vendor. 

Equipment certification and testing will precede the launch allowing all current VGT models in operation to be tested, certified and have necessary software updates downloaded before the feature is enabled statewide. All manufacturers who promptly submit their equipment for testing will be able to have the feature enabled at that time. This process will ensure an equal playing field for all video gaming establishments and terminal operators statewide. The IGB and Central Communications System Vendor will provide ongoing updates. 

The Board also considered a number of regulatory matters today during its meeting. 

Issued casino approvals for: 

  • 10 key persons 
  • 1 Level 1 occupational license 
  • 98 Level 2 and 92 Level 3 occupational licenses 
  • 1 casino supplier license renewal 

Denied casino occupational licenses for: 

  • 5 occupational licenses 

Approved video gaming licenses for: 

  • 68 video gaming location applicants 
  • 36 terminal handlers and 2 technicians 

Denied video gaming licenses for: 

  • 1 terminal handler 
  • 2 video gaming location applicants 

And, in video gaming, the IGB took the following actions: 

  • Rescinded a prior video gaming location license non-renewal and renewed the location’s license after resolution of a pending disciplinary matter. 
  • Adopted and modified as a Final Board Order an Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Decision on a video gaming terminal operator license application denial, thereby affirming the prior denial. 

Approved sports wagering licenses for: 

  • 5 key persons approvals 
  • 158 Level 2 sports wagering occupational licenses 

The IGB will conduct its next scheduled regular meeting on April 24, 2025. To view agendas, minutes, recorded meetings, and other information, visit the IGB website

Illinois Gaming Board reminds Illinoisans March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

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