"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
The fastest way to apply for FEMA assistance is by going online to DisasterAssistance.gov, downloading the FEMA mobile app or calling the FEMA Helpline... #fema
Moving forward we should not ignore facts; In Illinois, the numbers tell a powerful story: former President Donald Trump garnered 2,483,905 votes – 48% of the state’s electorate. #election
She was elected to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board of Commissioners (MWRD) in 2010 and served as Board President from 2015-2019. #election
The only civil rights lawyer to ever run for Cook County State’s Attorney, Fioretti wonders what recourse voters have if they find problems with the election. #voting
Participants are encouraged to camp wherever they are — whether it’s in their living rooms, backyards, or local parks — to support Project HOOD’s vision of community renewal. #camping