"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
360NFT the first Black owned music NFT platform, powered by Trapchain, Inc., has collaborated with indie music artist Willie Taylor to drop his first NFT for his music project, “Wright My Wrongs.” Taylor first gained notoriety from MTV's “Making the Band 4,” when selected by Sean Combs for the band Day26. 360NFT’s November 26 launch and debut NFT release commemorates the band’s popularity and success. Three NFT's will drop at noon, for 24 hours, with NFT art by Israel Wilson.
The award luncheon, the first since 2014, will honor employees who demonstrated integrity, innovation, leadership, teamwork, mentorship, and compassion during the city’s response to COVID-19.
“My journey of becoming who and what I am required a recipe; sustaining growing pains, experiencing the good, the bad and the ugly. It also requires fixing one’s mess; your inner self- release negativity, hurt and the unfairness that you will go through only sours your attitude, drains your energy, and limits your creativity."
“Dolton 149 wants to give parents the option and the convenience of having their children tested weekly, with their written authorization, at school,” said Dolton 149 Board President Rayya Ghani. “We know parents are both busy with work and concerned about the health of their children, so the district wants to offer a voluntary testing option to ease any concerns parents may have about their child’s health.”
“Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. After nearly two years of pain, suffering, and wondering if Ahmaud’s killers would be held to account, the Arbery family finally has some justice."
“Ahmaud Arbery’s murder was a modern-day lynching. The facts were clear. The crime was captured on video. The men who killed Arbery deserve to be held accountable — anything less would have been an unconscionable abandonment of justice."
“I am honored to accept this assignment to the Illinois Appellate Court and so grateful to Justice Carter and his colleagues on the Supreme Court for their trust in me,” Judge Hauptman said.
LISA LLOYD TAYLOR, owner of Ebiz Accounting Services in Country Club Hills, Ill., willfully filed false personal or corporate tax returns from 2010 to 2013 that substantially underreported her own income or the income earned by her business.