"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
“That is why I am thrilled to be partnering with the Veterans Assistance Commission of Kankakee County to offer a free fair to our veterans. This event will allow veterans to meet with organizations and vendors, giving them the tools they need to thrive.” #veterans
"Standing beside my clients in court, I have witnessed the impact of the judiciary on litigants, which has given me greater understanding of the effect of a judge’s ruling and gravity of the consequences. #election
It is one of six casinos fueling economic activity and job growth in communities across Illinois, as part of a legislative package pushed through the Legislature by Rep. Rita in 2019. #casino
To support this population, IDOL has partnered with community groups in Chicago to educate new arrivals about their rights under State labor laws. #laborday
The Source, which has been honored by the National Association of Counties (NACo), is a Cook County Government-led program focused on elevating small businesses throughout the County... #smallbusiness
Based on reports received by the IEMA-OHS, local resources and capabilities have been exhausted, and state and federal resources are needed to respond to and recover from the effects of these severe storms. #storms
However, in two surveys of my ward following each event, neighbors repeatedly asked for this not to be held on July 4th weekend, when the race blocks access to the park for weeks around a family holiday. #statement
In June of 2023, ICAC Investigators arrested 50-year-old Anthony Demonte after they found he downloaded and shared sexually explicit videos and images of children under the age of 13 via social media. #barringtonman