"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
UChicago Medicine’s annual community benefit investment has more than doubled since 2013, bringing the health system’s total reported community investments to more than $5 billion over the past decade. #healthcare #uchicago #healthdisparities
The Birth to Five Illinois Action Councils and Family Councils in each of the State’s Regions have now built a plan for how to collectively close gaps and provide families with the support they say they need. #birthtofive
A companion appropriations bill would set aside a minimum of $1.5 billion each year from the State of Illinois in additional operating funds for Illinois transit agencies. #transit
This free event will feature a performance by the Raks Geek Wookiee Bellydancers, cosplay competitions, DIY galaxy jars, miniature painting, an all-day photobooth and an exhibit hall showcasing local artists, vendors, organizations and collectors. #oaklawn #olpl
These are never easy decisions because homelessness and housing costs, food deserts and poverty, and many #challenges far outweigh the funds we have available. #ilga #illinois #senate