"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
The WEX Program is temporary employment with the goal of the qualified students to gain work experience at SSC or companies in partnership with WIOA. #summerjobs
The #3 ranked Bulldogs won the Midwest District A Championship on Saturday, March 9th with a 94-82 victory over Waubonsee Community College. #ssc #basketball
Nonpoint source pollution is the result of rain or snowmelt carrying natural and human-made pollutants and depositing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, and groundwater. #water #pollution
Attendees left knowing how they can play an important role in identifying a hate crime and supporting their community, and what we can all do to prevent hate before it becomes a crime. #hatecrime
Discussions focused on strengthening bilateral and regional relations, particularly in defense, infrastructure, energy, and financial services. #latvia
On September 15, 2023, freshman Mitchell was shot and killed following the dismissal of the homecoming football game at Hillcrest High School... #marshawnmitchell
A three term incumbent on the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, this is Commissioner Spyropoulos' first time running for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk. The office is one of the largest unified court systems in the United States. #cookcountyclerk #election
Currently, all public colleges and universities in Illinois are subject to meet a 30% goal in contracting with disadvantaged businesses. #smh #subjectmatterhearing #publichearing #communitycollege #university