"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."
Keith Wheeler is a business owner and former member of the Illinois House of Representatives who served the 50th District from 2015 to 2023. #illinoischamber
After speaking with church, civic, fraternal, grassroots, and street leaders, there is an overwhelming and dire request for you to come to Chicago... #mlkrepublicans
This will be the sixth increase in the state’s minimum wage since 2019 when Governor JB Pritzker signed historic legislation establishing a schedule of increases culminating in a $15 per hour minimum wage in 2025. #minimumwage
The Dianne Masters Award was established in 1994 to honor Crisis Center founder, Dianne Masters, who lost her life as a result of domestic violence. #domesticviolence #crisiscenter
All Disaster Recovery Centers will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Dec. 23-25 and Dec. 30–Jan. 1. #fema #disasterassistance #southholland #dolton #harvey
In exchange for the payments, the business was allowed to continue to operate, even though the conspirators and others knew that acts of prostitution were occurring onsite. #harvey