The indictment alleges that the Wicked Town faction engaged in numerous acts of violence, including at least 19 murders, 19 attempted murders, several armed robberies, and assaults.
In honor of Veterans Day, Attorney General Kwame Raoul is encouraging veterans, their families and members of the public to participate in a free roundtable discussion highlighting how the Attorney General’s office helps veterans and service members access resources and better understand their rights.
A state Senate committee revived a gambling bill Wednesday that would allow for limited betting on in-state college sports teams, sending it to the full Senate for consideration.
"Employment opportunities by Amazon can be life changing for the thousands of employees who work here now. We want to celebrate this moment to acknowledge the commitment of Amazon to Markham and to send our workers off to a great first day of work,"
The city of Harvey held a regular city council meeting on Oct. 25. The board started the meeting by agreeing to amend the agenda and striking items from consideration in the interest of time.