The Small Business Administration’s rules prevent it from helping most employee- and consumer-owned cooperatives, even though Congress specifically asked it to. The result? Co-ops are largely cut out of the mainstream financial system.
A lack of reliable hate crime data has left authorities with neither a complete understanding of such incidents nor the tools needed to address them, ProPublica reported. A bill Biden just signed will start to address that.
First Session As Speaker, Welch Celebrates Achievements (Springfield, IL) - Speaker of the House Emanuel “Chris” Welch wrapped up his first session leading the Illinois House of Representatives.
Robbins Mayor Bryant Expresses Concern with District 218 Hiring Practices (Robbins, IL) - Darren E. Bryant- Mayor of Robbins, Illinois- is expressing his disappointment and frustration concerning the racial dynamics that exist within Community High School District 218.
A new bill will ban school workers from locking children in seclusion spaces and limit most uses of isolated timeout and physical restraint. A ProPublica and Chicago Tribune investigation found widespread abuse of the practices in Illinois.
Rev. Jackson and Rainbow PUSH Coalition hails passage of HB3404 (Chicago, IL) - After months of Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and Rainbow PUSH Coalition officials convening meetings, reaching out to Illinois elected officials and talking to community leaders, the Illinois Senate has passed HB3404 establishing Pembroke Township as a designated hardship area which will allow a natural gas line to come through Pembroke and Hopkins Park.
Jimenez on Democratic-drawn maps: 'A bunch of colors, a bunch of shapes, but no real markers' - Froylan Jimenez says the website where Democrats uploaded their proposed legislative maps does nothing to answer any of the many questions in the fair maps debate.