Illinois Freedom Caucus: Democrats Raise Taxes and Allocate Even More Money to Pay for Illegal Immigrants (Springfield, IL) — The following is a statement from the Illinois Freedom Caucus:
The Illinois Freedom Caucus is calling out the Democratic supermajority for approving massive tax increases while continuing to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to programs and services for illegal immigrants.
The recently approved $53.1 billion budget proposal includes approximately $750 million in tax increases. The budget also authorizes $622 million in spending for illegal immigrants.
“The budget process in Illinois is a joke. The negotiations on how to spend $53 billion of taxpayer money was done in secret behind closed doors. We all know we are required by law to pass a budget and we have had five months to work on a budget and yet we had only essentially a weekend to view the budget before being asked to vote on it.
The heavy-handed approach the majority party employs in the budget process is an affront to the hard-working people of this state. When the supermajority could not get 60 votes to pass their tax increases, they voted to suspend the rules to keep running the vote until it passed. We are living in a state of tyranny. While families across the state are having to make tough economic choices because of inflation and our state’s high taxes, the Democrats are helping themselves to yet another pay raise with this budget, and ramming through tax increase after tax increase.
The spending priorities in this budget do not reflect the priorities of the vast majority of Illinois citizens. The vast majority of voters in this state do not want to have their taxes go up just to pay for services for illegal immigrants. The more money we spend on illegal immigrants, the more illegal immigrants we will attract and the more money we will have to spend just to keep up. Where does it end? How much of our money will we spend for people who are not even legally allowed to be here in the first place? What we are doing is not sustainable and it is wrong. It is time to put the people of Illinois first.”
Illinois Freedom Caucus: Democrats Raise Taxes and Allocate Even More Money to Pay for Illegal Immigrants