Jim Marter Appointed to Serve as Deputy for IL-14 on GOP State Central Committee (Oswego, IL) — Congressional Candidate, Jim Marter was installed as Deputy for the 14th Congressional District, at the Illinois GOP’s State Central Committee quarterly meeting. He was unanimously voted in, following the appointment by Laura Pollastrini, IL-14’s Republican State Central Committeeperson.
Jim Marter’s Efforts, Influence, Success Recognized
He will serve as the Deputy throughout Illinois’ 14th Congressional District where he is running for Congress. This honor shows that Marter’s efforts, influence and success, are recognized among the leadership of the Illinois GOP. It adds yet another strong signal that he is the best fit to win his Congressional race against Lauren Underwood, in a district where he already has high name recognition and strong grassroots support.
“It is truly a great honor to be selected to serve in this position, where I had the privilege of calling two of my predecessors, friends. Both have been called home to our Lord. Chuck Wheeler was a 14th District Deputy and his infectious smile would light up the room. He was a strong, outspoken conservative. Stan Bond was a gentle leader and great, lifelong conservative and strong Republican. I’m additionally honored to work with Laura Pollastrini, the current Republican State Central Committeeman for the 14th District, who I have had the privilege to work with as the Republican Chairman of Kendall County, during the last two years,” said Marter.
The following statement was released by Laura Pollastrini:
“It is with great pleasure that I move to appoint JIM MARTER as Deputy State Central Committeeman of the 14th Congressional District.
Jim exudes the old-fashioned Republican values which our Party was built on: personal responsibility, smaller, limited government, love of God and country and a strong national defense. Strengthened by his strong support of life, of family and of the 2nd Amendment, it is with great pride that I appoint him to serve alongside me, as Deputy State Central Committeeman of the 14th Congressional District.
Jim knows the 14th District inside and out. He has forged relationships with Republicans from as far north as Lake and McHenry Counties, and as far south as Kendall, LaSalle, and Will Counties. He has heard their concerns as he walked door to door campaigning in both the existing 14th District and now in the newly drawn 14th District. I am excited that he will help bring those conservative voices to the table of our Illinois Republican State Central Committee. This morning, I proudly move to appoint JIM MARTER as the Deputy State Central Committeeman of the 14th Congressional District!”
Jim Marter Appointed to Serve as Deputy for IL-14 on GOP State Central Committee