Springfield state historic sites to celebrate Black History Month (Springfield, IL) – Illinois state historic sites in Springfield will present a variety of engaging hikes, talks, tours, and films to commemorate Black History Month in February.
All events are free, open to the public, and require no reservations. Programs are put on in partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources; the Illinois State Museum; Lincoln Library, Springfield’s public library; the Illinois State Military Museum; and Fever River Research. Visitors can participate in these special events at the following locations.
Illinois State Museum to explore Black Lives in Springfield
The Illinois State Museum’s Research and Collections Center will host “Black Lives in Springfield Part I: Work and Home Life” at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20 and “Black Lives in Springfield Part II: Military Service” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26. These are free, public events. The Research and Collections Center is at 1011 E. Ash St. in Springfield.
Experience the power of seldom-seen personal belongings from the 10th Street archeological dig and explore the lives of Black Springfield residents around the turn of the 20th century. The first in a series of two engaging programs will share stories of the resilient Black community who lived and worked in Springfield. The second part will tell stories of courageous Black citizens who distinguished themselves through military service to their country.
Learn about poets Langston Hughes and Vachel Lindsay
Lincoln Library, Springfield’s public library at 326 S. Seventh St., will host the short film “Langston Hughes and Vachel Lindsay” by local video producer Rich Saal at noon Friday, Feb. 21 and Friday, Feb. 28 in the multipurpose room. An additional showing will take place at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 in the Carnegie Room.
The Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, where Lindsay welcomed Hughes to Springfield, is featured in the film. A question-and-answer session with historic site interpreters will follow each screening. The home is managed the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and is located at 603 S. Fifth St. in Springfield.
Explore history on a walking tour or hike
The 1908 Race Riot Walking Tours begin at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22 and Friday, Feb. 28 at the Lincoln statues at Sixth and Adams streets. The walking tour will take visitors through downtown Springfield near the Old State Capitol to learn about the destruction that took place in 1908.
Black History Cemetery Hikes begin at the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2 in Springfield’s historic Oak Ridge Cemetery. The hikes focus on Springfield’s Black community. Water and walking shoes are recommended. The tomb is at 1500 Monument Ave.
Springfield state historic sites to celebrate Black History Month