The top two issues for climate change are energy and water, yet Illinois is the only in the USA that prohibits water reuse with a few words in our drinking water code... #water
While at the NACo Legislative Conference, Gordon also was able to get her resolution calling for Congress to commit more funding for high speed rail approved.
While on free movement, the Sheriff’s Office cannot monitor their movement to ensure compliance with EM program rules, since there are no restrictions on movement other than a prohibition against leaving Cook County. #ccso
the Chess for Freedom Program has impacted participants of more than 2,000 men and women in custody, and the Jail has served as host to multiple international chess tournaments through the sponsorship and support of FIDE. #chessforfreedom
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Southland Black Chamber has been deeply concerned with the high number of retail thefts, burglaries, and violent crime in the streets of Cook County... #cookcountystatesattorney
Officers recovered 481 fake identification cards from the residence – including social security cards, green cards, and driver’s licenses... #ccso #migrants
So far, Spyropoulos has received the endorsement of over 115 labor groups, community groups, elected officials, community leaders and Democratic organizations. #cookcounty