During the grand opening, SSC will additionally host a one-day household hazardous waste (HHW) collection event on the north side of the Main Campus in the overflow parking lot. #ssc
The automatic renewal of the Homeowner, Senior, and Persons with Disabilities Exemptions will continue, and postcards will be mailed to households confirming that no action is needed. #propertytaxes
In March, Sheriff’s Police investigators assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit (ICAC) received a complaint involving the offender... #ccso
Governor Quinn, Commissioner Donna Miller, and Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle gave remarks highlighting the importance of this unique way to remember those who lost their lives defending our country... #cookcounty #iraqwar
Cook County has partnered with Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago for over three decades, renovating and repairing more than 2,000 homes since 1991. #veteran