For a party that has been so vocal about fairness and inclusiveness in elections, it's stunning to see the lengths they will go to prevent anyone outside their party from participating in the political process.
“Make no mistake: this is a violent crime done primarily to obtain an anonymous car to commit more acts of violence, frequently shootings,” Sheriff Dart told the committee.
"While he resigned as a Representative last year, he remains 13th Ward Committeeperson. I am calling for his resignation from this position as well," said President Preckwinkle.
“As a black man, and as someone who's actually been pulled over by the police and been subjected to humiliation by local law enforcement, I recognize that our system needs accountability,” said McClinton.”We also have to talk about the fact that the system hasn't necessarily worked for people who look like us.”
Magdalena Cuchil-Raymundo, 17, was last seen at her residence in the 10000 Block of Michael Todd Terrace at approximately 7:30 a.m. on February 20.
“When Deborah Sims decided to retire, it was an opportunity,” said Alsberry. “This is the community I grew up in as a young man. I still have friends out there and I know there are some issues that are really challenging for them."
“I have known Willie Preston for years,” said Alderman Brookins, “and I know that he has what it takes to bring a new generation of leadership to Springfield. Willie and his wife Brittany are mainstays in our community - and they are tireless fighters for what is right.
“It has been an honor to be born and raised in Chicago Heights, a product of the school systems and being a proud active community member that has a desire to serve and make a difference,” said Dr. Demitrowicz.
She wants to invigorate and inspire the youth in her career and running for office, but especially hopes to serve as a pillar of change for her peers.