Joliet Junior College, President Clyne Namuo and Kelly Rohder-Tonelli in Will County has been an especially prominent case of intentional exclusion and discrimination in the procurement process.
That statement shows how Vivek Ramaswamy is targeting Black People during this Presidential Primary. If he really wants to meet someone that is racist, Vivek Ramaswamy can just look in the mirror. #VivekRamaswamy
It would be a travesty if in 2023, we allow a Southland Airport to be built in an area with our demographic, that Southland Black businesses be left on the sidelines wondering how they will participate.
These include considerations of a student’s athletic talents and whether they are a child of a donor, alum or faculty member. Each of these categories mostly benefit White, affluent, well-connected students to the detriment of Asians and other racial and other ethnic groups, although the same fierce resistance to these policies has not materialized.
Harrah's Casino Joliet and Rochelle Taylor has continued to be disrespectful to local black businesses and the local Black Chamber of Commerce.
#RochelleTaylor #HarrahsJoliet
"I know the Chairman doesn't like no-bid contracts, but we do," said Dr. Cornel Darden Jr. "I have a few Chamber members that would love a no-bid contract. Can someone point me in the right direction so I can get some of my guys some no-bid contracts too?"