Rita Named Deputy Majority Leader (Springfield, IL) - State Rep. Robert “Bob” Rita, D-Blue Island, will prioritize the needs of working families, reduce costs,...
House Bill 4144 mandates police seizure of firearms from anyone subject to an order of protection or “red flag” order and includes ex parte orders in which there is no notification of a hearing or any due process rights. #bill
Republicans voted present and walked off the House floor in protest after Democrats approved the questions. State Rep. Ryan Spain, R-Peoria, said there are many other important questions to ask voters that should be binding. #questions
State Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur, explained how top Democrats, like Harmon, wouldn’t allow the Invest in Kids Act renewal bill to be called this legislative session because it wasn’t favorable to public school teachers unions, who are large contributors to the Democrats’ campaigns. #dnc
“We don’t have district boundaries, we don’t know if the City Council will have any role in filling School Board vacancies, we don’t even know the deadlines for candidates to file or the voting procedures,” stated Chicago GOP Chair Steve Boulton.
Richard Irvin thought he was too good for the Black Republicans. Democrats don't like him. He didn't win because he disrespected Black Republicans. Bailey respects Black Republicans and this is why Darren Bailey is going to win in November and become the next Governor of Illinois.
Serving as chair has been a true honor, and I could not be more proud of my staff, my supporters, and all Democrats across the state who joined in building a stronger DPI.
Pritzker saw bipartisan rejection of some of his extreme Prisoner Review Board appointees, so extreme that they have even paroled cop killers.
"The Senate is the key to uniting our Country. While Illinois is considered a safe Blue State, because of the stranglehold the Democrats have on Black voters in Cook County, the State is much more diverse. Illinois voters want a balance to the one-party rule that ignores the rest of the State."