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Illinois Family Action Endorses Shestokas for Illinois Attorney General

David believes that the Attorney General is the people’s lawyer and not the governor’s or the government’s. He has an agenda to Make Crime Illegal Again..." #illinoisattorneygeneral

Sullivan: By Pritzker’s Own Words, He’s Unfit To Serve

Sullivan: “J.B. Pritzker needs to be held accountable for his failures, and to take responsibility for the lives lost and the damage done."

Sullivan React: Illinois Jobless Rate Trails National Average

Sullivan: “We can do better. I’ve invested in job creators around the world, bringing prosperity and purpose in the toughest of circumstances. It can be done here in Illinois, but only if we make a real change." #JesseSullivan

Bradley Report: Wallace “Gator” Bradley Condemns Valencia in Illinois Secretary of State Race

"Look, Listen, Learn then please read the verifiable documented facts and SHARE." #bradleyreport

Energy Expert and Congressional Candidate, Niki Conforti, on Today’s Energy Policies

By subverting our own energy suppliers, the Biden administration and their policies have put us at the mercy of foreign oil. It shifts the power structure away from America to countries like Iran, Venezuela, China – and Russia. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is just one adverse effect of this transfer of power. #nikiconforti

Jonathan T. Swain Files Petitions in Campaign for Illinois’ 1st Congressional District

He was recognized by Crain’s Chicago Business as a Notable Black Leader and Executive in 2021 and is responsible for founding multiple events and festivals to serve South Side communities, including the Hyde Park Summer Fest, one of the community’s largest festivals. #swain

Judge Orders County-Wide Vote Recount In DuPage County

Judge Orders County-Wide Vote Recount In DuPage County (DuPage County, IL) - In a May 12, 2021 Memorandum and Order, DuPage County Judge Craig R. Belford ordered a county-wide recount of the November 3, 2020, election results for the office of DuPage County Auditor.

After a Wave of Violent Threats Against Election Workers, Georgia Sees Few Arrests

For nearly a year, election administrators across the country weathered the pandemic while facing attacks and threats — leading many officials to resign or retire. In Georgia, little was done to prevent it from happening again.

Mayor Eugene Williams and The Lynwood First Team

Video: Mayor Eugene Williams and The Lynwood First Team

Robbins Political Forum

Robbins Political Forum (Robbins, IL) - Last night, The Southland Journal hosted a political forum for all candidates in the upcoming consolidated election.

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