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Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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Rep. Rita Joins Local Leaders as Park District Takes Over Tinley Park Mental Health Center Site for Recreation Destination

Rita also helped ensure $15 million was included in the state budget to clean up the property and prepare it for the Park District to take over. #tinleypark

Pritzker to Mull Tightening Fiscal Landscape in Budget Address This Week

Pritzker’s only bipartisan budget came during his first year in office – when a massive infrastructure package garnered dozens of GOP votes and helped create goodwill for some House Republicans to vote for the budget. #budgetaddress #illinois #pritzker

Speaker Welch Introduces Legislation to Make Illinois Among the First States to Allow Legislative Staff to Unionize

The legislation comes after roughly 20 members of the Speaker’s staff requested voluntary recognition as a union by Welch after their petition was denied by the Labor Relations Board... #union

Joyce Initiative to Help with State Police Recruitment Signed Into Law

The opportunity to take the Illinois Police exam will expand to more current and prior service members... #isp

Law to Increase Fire Prevention Education Among Children Signed

This new law will create positions of certified youth firesetter interventionists in the Division of Arson Investigation... #fire

DeLuca Named Vice-Chairperson of House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT Committee

“Whether we’re dealing with technological issues that are positive or negative for our state, it’s critical that our General Assembly is ready to make timely, informed and responsible decisions..."

Fiscal Year 2024 Higher Education State Budget is Largest in Decades

The increase to MAP funding by $100 million takes another giant step toward ensuring higher education is affordable for students across Illinois... #highereducation

Rep. Rita: Land Sale Legislation Right Move for Tinley Park, Southland Region

"We cannot wait another 10 years while the property decays and some local politicians complain." #tinleypark

Senator Ventura Fights for Working Families and Education

Ventura stands firm in her belief that the state must add additional ways to increase revenue... #illinois

Bullying Notification Bill Clears Illinois Statehouse Despite Opposition From School Associations

Every school in Illinois is required to have a bullying policy on file with the Illinois State Board of Education. #bullying

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