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illinois news

Report Predicts Billions in Motor Fuel Tax Revenue Losses if State Meets EV Goals

Illinois would have to add 119,000 electric vehicles every year in order to meet their goal of one million by 2030. #EV

New State Water Plan Spotlights 13 Critical Water-Related Challenges for Illinois

The State Water Plan presents an opportunity to adjust state programs and policies in water resources by recommending necessary changes and new ideas to elected officials and key leaders in the state of Illinois. #

Rep. Moeller, Colleagues Promote Cervical Health Awareness Month in Illinois for January

Cervical cancer affects 13,000 American women year, often in the prime of their lives, and 4,000 of them die. #cervicalcancer

‘See You in Court,’ Illinois Senate President says as Chamber Passes Gun Ban

“You’ve got to know that the actions that you are taking right now are tyrannous,” Bailey said. “You also must know that I and millions of other gun owners in this state will not comply.” #guncontrol

Agencies Seek Input on Harvey Design Options

Pace and Metra are working with the City of Harvey on the project near 154th Street and Park Avenue in Harvey’s downtown. #metra #pace

IL Freedom Caucus: Pritzker’s Bold Plan for Illinois is to Spend More Money We Don’t Have

"You have an opportunity to bring our divided state together. We urge you to take that path instead of enacting policies you know will only create more divisions.” #illinois

IL Freedom Caucus: State Representative Jim Durkin’s Rewrite of History Won’t Mask his Failings as Leader

We need to be united as a party against tax increases and we need to be the party of fiscal responsibility. #ILhouse #jimdurkin

Illinois Legislators to get Raises After Pritzker Signs $1.7 Billion Spending Bill

Now with the governor’s approval, starting with the 103rd General Assembly that begins Jan. 11, the base pay for part-time state legislators will increase to $85,000. #illinois #illinoisbudget

More than 30,700 Mail-In Ballots in Illinois for November Election were Rejected

In DuPage County this past election, an election official was comparing mail-in ballot applications to verify signatures on the ballots, not the original voter signature on file with the county’s elections office. #elections

Spring Registration for 2023 is Now Open at Prairie State College

Financial aid and scholarships are available to eligible applicants. The PSC Foundation also offers scholarships to assist with tuition, books, and fees to those who qualify. #prairiestate

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