"Standing beside my clients in court, I have witnessed the impact of the judiciary on litigants, which has given me greater understanding of the effect of a judge’s ruling and gravity of the consequences. #election
This endorsement adds to Panici's growing list of impressive endorsements, which include the Democrats of Bloom Township, Bloom Township Democratic Committeeperson Monica Gordon... #judge #panici
“I'm a daughter of immigrants. I bring their work ethic that they brought from their countries and implemented in our daily lives. My siblings and I were able to go on to higher education with their help and support.”
I've been knocking door to door throughout the district for several months now. One of the biggest issues that people raised to me is that they don't feel like they get a fair shake when they come into court."
“No one will have to guess at the kind of judge I’ll be because I’ve been serving and doing the job for 20 years. My life is an open book, the history of my decisions on the bench speaks for itself.”
Nelson Cruz, who has maintained his innocence for two decades, wanted a hearing to determine if the judge handling his case had been impaired. His request was rejected.