“For my November 2024 local business spotlight, I am honored to recognize Garden of Prayer Youth Center because of the work they do with youth in our community,” said Rep. Haas. #youth
Rep. Haas spent time touring the business and presented the owners with a certificate of appreciation for their contributions to the community. #rephaas #frankies
She was joined by House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (R-Savanna) when she presented a certificate from the House of Representatives to owner Julie Jones-Reece. #rephaas #embraceconsignment
Golden Gymnastics is a non-profit, Christian-led organization that includes prayer meetings and Bible stories once a week for the different groups they teach. #goldengynmastics
Representative Haas enjoyed her visit this week and encourages residents and families around the 79th District to stop by, support this great local business, and have some family fun!