As a result of Collins’s false representations and material omissions regarding the line of credit and the trust, the bank lost approximately $54.5 million, the indictment states. #fbi
Employees may take up to two weeks, or 10 working days, of unpaid leave time for any of the events covered by the FBLA to grieve, to attend a funeral, or to make arrangements necessitated by the death of the family member. #bereavement
"We are confident that Frances will bring a unique perspective to the table and ensure that we are building coalitions to advance the needs of working Illinoisans.” #aflcio
Governor Pritzker issued a proclamation announcing passage of the amendment and joined labor leaders and legislators in celebrating the achievement. #workersrights
"I’m proud of my work on the Cook County Board in recent years to establish this program and ensure those in the Southland and the county as a whole have the necessary resources to thrive, and I look forward to seeing its success." #promisepilot