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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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southland news

South Suburban College Board of Trustees Celebrates Women’s Soccer Team Regional Title

The soccer team, coached by Jose Gonzalez, finished the 2022 season with an overall record of 13 wins, five loses and one tie. #ssc #southsuburbancollege

Community Health Centers Commend Governor Pritzker for Prioritizing Behavioral Health and the Healthcare Workforce in Joint State of the State and FY2024 Budget Address

Community Health Centers Commend Governor Pritzker for Prioritizing Behavioral Health and the Healthcare Workforce in Joint State of the State and FY2024 Budget Address

Bonnie Kurowski Signs Apology Letter; Watchdogs Settle Lawsuit In Response

This was not the first person to go overboard in their attempts at retaliating against us but will hopefully be the last. #ecwd

Sen. Joyce Looking Forward to Budget Proposals and Future Negotiations

"I hope the governor continues his commitment to protect our roads, bridges and highways through the Rebuild Illinois program." #senatorjoyce

Illinois House Progressive Caucus on Governor’s State of the State and Budget Address

"...the Illinois House Progressive Caucus stands firmly behind his plans to invest in our core priorities and the ongoing fight against injustice and discrimination." #budget

Illinois Congressman Urges Action Against China for Floating Objects Over U.S.

Three other floating objects have since been shot down, but it is unclear where the objects originated. #china

Newly Signed Laws Include Creation of Tourism Districts, Criminal Justice Reforms

The laws passed the General Assembly in their recently concluded lame duck legislative session in January... #jbpritzker

Southland Senator and Representative Encourage Donations for Families of First Responders

If you are receiving a tax refund this year, you can choose to share it with the 100 Club of Illinois by filling out a Schedule G and attaching it to your IL-1040 form. #100club

Prairie State College to Host Illinois Humanities Road Scholar Speaker Connie Martin

Prairie State College to Host Illinois Humanities Road Scholar Speaker Connie Martin (Chicago Heights, IL) — Connie Martin will present Pre-Civil War Quilts: Secret...

Myles Nelson Selected to Serve as State Central Committeeman for the 13th District

Myles Nelson lives in Collinsville and is an alumnus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. #mylesnelson #gop

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