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southland news

CTU Exposed: Radical Indoctrination on Private Facebook Page

"These activities are why I have called to defund the CTU and end political indoctrination in Illinois schools once and for all." #SullivanForGovenor

Diana López Wants to Bring Diversity, Representation and Equal Access to the Court 

“I'm a daughter of immigrants. I bring their work ethic that they brought from their countries and implemented in our daily lives. My siblings and I were able to go on to higher education with their help and support.” #dianalopez

Monica Somerville Wants Diversity, Fairness and Education to be at the Forefront 

"A lot of times when there are mandatory court room hearings, they feel that the judge has already made up his or her mind. They don't feel like they're actually being listened to and that is so important.” #monicasomerville

Jim Gleffe wants to Bring Back Faith in the Judicial System

I've been knocking door to door throughout the district for several months now. One of the biggest issues that people raised to me is that they don't feel like they get a fair shake when they come into court." #jimgleffe

Yolanda Harris Sayre Strives for Fairness and Access for All

“I believe that fairness is important. I believe that helping people navigate a very, very difficult system is essential,”

Circuit Court Approves Carmen Navarro Gercone Name for Ballot in Race for Cook County Sheriff

“We are pleased with the Court’s decision. Today is a victory for ballot access and the right for the voters of Cook County to choose their elected officials." #CarmenGerconeForSheriff

South Suburban College Celebrates First Class of Barber College Graduates

“It was both an overwhelming and terrific experience,” said Lucas Gunby, SSC Barber College Program Coordinator. #SouthSuburbanCollege

Resilience, Resurgence, and the Tinley Park Chamber is Ready to Grow

Treasurer Kelly Burke, owner of Insurance Counts-Kelly Burke Agency, was awarded the President’s Choice. #TinleyParkChamber

Thornton Township’s Crazy and Possibly Unlawful Elected Official Salary Schedule

It is clear there is an attempt at limiting the number of people who wish to run for office. It is also clear to us this attempt violates the letter and intent of laws established calling for the setting of compensation of the offices of township trustee, township supervisor, township assessor, and township clerk. #ThorntonTownship

Dozens of Clergy Commit Their Support for David Moore’s Candidacy

More than 100 clergy have given their commitment to support his campaign to replace Jesse White, who is vacating the seat at the end of the current term.

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