“In this area, we are a transportation hub. If anyone has driven on any highway, every one of those highways touch my district,” said. Miller
“Vegas was fun and incredible. We took pictures of everything, ate great goods and visited the wax museum. Visiting the Raiders stadium was one of the best parts because you saw how big it was. They had a hot tub, a big kitchen with food and a large locker room,” said Ryan, a sixth grader, who plays defensive tackle.
“It’s not just about taking courses to get a piece of paper to obtain a job. We need to teach these students how to critically think,” she stated.
“I am looking forward to serving the Southland community in this new role and bringing attention to the all of the educational pathways this outstanding community college has to offer,” said Lockett.
“So if I am to be removed, let us tell the truth on what is going on here... I am being targeted because I refuse to accept government overreach in America, especially in our state of Illinois,” said Cruz.
Sources have confirmed that Diante Johnson's exploration for the seat could foretell a Republican victory for the contentious gerrymandered seat.