While the inventory reports must be submitted to the IEPA by April 15, it is not clear when line replacements will be completed, and state law lays out a decadeslong process. #leadwaterpipes
Senate Bill 3713 amends the Crime Victims Compensation Act by making the program more accessible to applicants and advocates who assist individuals in applying for compensation... #crime #victim
Darden added that the reasons he’s heard for noncompliance are vast, ranging from some not believing in the law to others insisting that the targeted goals are merely aspirational. #minorityparticipation
Through the Voices of Genocide Exhibition, the Museum will be able to ensure this exhibition teaches hundreds of thousands of visitors in the years to come. #voicesofgenocide
Life with a blind spot in the central part of your vision means no more recognizing the faces of loved ones, no more reading, no more driving, and no more using computers. #eclipse