A three term incumbent on the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, this is Commissioner Spyropoulos' first time running for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk. The office is one of the largest unified court systems in the United States. #cookcountyclerk #election
Currently, all public colleges and universities in Illinois are subject to meet a 30% goal in contracting with disadvantaged businesses. #smh #subjectmatterhearing #publichearing #communitycollege #university
According to Commissioner Gordon, the southern Cook County area saw an 82% increase in opioid overdose deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to previous years. #opioid
The roundtable aimed to facilitate a meaningful dialogue on collective challenges, with a specific focus on recent attacks targeting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the corporate and public sectors. #usblackchambers
Dr. Amuh has more than 30 years of experience as a practicing OB/GYN and brings her passions for health equity and medicine together at The Puddle Project. #unsungheroine
Since its inception over 50 years ago, the MBDA has opened its programs to small disadvantaged businesses across the board without regard to race or gender. #USBC