The State’s Attorney’s duty is to prosecute violations of law brought to by law enforcement and enforce the law as written. Local prosecutors run amok wreak havoc by bending the law for a political agenda. Burke has promised to bend the law for an agenda. #election
"Robbins, Illinois voters have alleged and suspected that Mr. Kendall Parrott is involved in the policy decision making of the Robbins Park District Board."
SSC, in partnership with the Workforce Equity Initiative Grant, will provide a completion incentive for participants who complete the two-week course. #ssc
The Source, which has been honored by the National Association of Counties (NACo), is a Cook County Government-led program focused on elevating small businesses throughout the County... #smallbusiness
Based on reports received by the IEMA-OHS, local resources and capabilities have been exhausted, and state and federal resources are needed to respond to and recover from the effects of these severe storms. #storms
According to the lawsuit, Sheppard's firing violated his First Amendment rights, as he had raised concerns he had about Mayor Bryant with state and federal law enforcement... #robbins