27.5 F
Friday, February 7, 2025
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treasurer frerichs

State Treasurer Frerichs Returned $299 Million In Missing Money in 2024

“Putting money back in people’s pockets helps families and our state’s economy. This money belongs with its rightful owners,” Treasurer Frerichs said. #money

Treasurer Frerichs Makes $130 Million In Investment Earnings for State Portfolio During September

During 2024, Frerichs’ Office has earned nearly $1.19 billion for the state portfolio. #treasurer

Treasurer Frerichs Makes Record $1.5 Billion In Investment Earnings for State Portfolio During FY24

“We have made common-sense reforms to increase how much we earn in investment returns for our state,” Frerichs said. #earnings

Shorewood Couple Recovers Unclaimed Property through Illinois Treasurers Office

So far this year, the Treasurer’s Office has returned $267 million through more than 305,600 claims. #unclaimedproperty

Treasurer Frerichs Returns Nearly $800,000 in Unclaimed Property at the 2023 Illinois State Fair and DuQuoin State Fair

The State Treasurer is tasked with safeguarding unclaimed property, such as the contents of overlooked... #unclaimedproperty #icash

OpEd: Why Are Giannoulias, Treasurer Frerichs Hiding From Voters?

“Bright Start was supposed to be Alexi Giannoulias’ shining achievement. Instead, the beleaguered fund, which lost more than $150 million through risky Oppenheimer investments, is radiating trouble for the Illinois State Treasurer and his Senate campaign.”

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