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Tom Devore, Republican Nominee for Illinois Attorney General, Calls Raoul a ‘Lapdog’ for Pritzker

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Silence DoGood
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Tom Devore, Republican Nominee for Illinois Attorney General, Calls Raoul a ‘Lapdog’ for Pritzker (Springfield, IL) — Tom DeVore, the GOP nominee for IL Attorney General, spoke yesterday at the Republican rally at the State Fair.

DeVore laid out the case for his candidacy. He offers a check on power in state government that has been absent under the heavy concentration of power in Springfield under the current Pritzker-Raoul-Welch-Harmon(-Madigan) brand of one-party rule.

“Unlike our current Attorney General, I will be no governor’s lapdog… Governor Bailey… Governor Pritzker… Whoever you have as governor doesn’t matter. The rule of law will be followed. He is an Executive Officer, not King. The people are in charge… I don’t care who you know. I don’t care how much money you’ve got. You will be held accountable to the people of this state…” DeVore said.

Tom Devore Quotes:

Have you had enough yet? The last two and a half years, I’ve been helping the people of this state fight a tyrant. 

They always ask, “What’s the law say?” I can sing you a sonnet about what the law says. But if the people aren’t willing to stand up, it doesn’t matter. The appearance of power is just as persuasive as power itself. 

And I’m here to tell you there’s been a straw man at the helm for the last two and a half years pretending to have power he doesn’t have. 

Our platform is simple: Crime, Corruption and the Constitution. 

Let’s start with The Constitution… You’ve had a governor rule over you with power he doesn’t have/ He got away with it for a while… How many small businesses do you know that closed down in the past two and a half years as a result of the COVID orders? Do you know how many he actually took to court and said, “my Executive Power is shutting you down…” ? Zero. It was all a facade. But fear was controlling people. I am here to tell you – sure as I’m breathing – you make me Attorney General, and that Executive Power will be kept in check. Because I will be – unlike our current Attorney General – no governor’s lap dog. 

Kwame Raoul has done nothing but whatever Governor Pritzker wanted him to do. 

Governor Bailey… Governor Pritzker… whoever you have as governor doesn’t matter. The rule of law will be followed.  He is an executive officer, not King. The people are in charge. 

Kim Foxx is not prosecuting… What is Kwame Raoul doing about it? Nothing. You think he is going to go against the Democrat Machine in Cook County? No. 

You make me Attorney General, and – if Kim Foxx won’t prosecute criminals, I will. 

Public corruption… Every Illinois public official that has been prosecuted or indicted in recent history has come from the federal government, not the state. That nonsense needs to end. 

If we cannot get crime under control, and if we can’t get the people to believe again that our government works for them by getting rid of this public corruption, we can’t move forward. 

You make me Attorney General, and – I don’t care if you’re Independent, Democrat, Republican, whatever party – if you commit acts of public misconduct, the people of the state of Illinois – through the Attorney General’s office – will prosecute. 

I don’t care who you know. I don’t care how much money you’ve got. You will be held accountable to the people of this state. 

You want to take this state back, you take a guy like me that came from nothing to standing on this stage and send him into the Executive Branch. I will bring the people’s voice back.

Tom Devore, Republican Nominee for Illinois Attorney General, Calls Raoul a ‘Lapdog’ for Pritzker

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