Rush: Termination of Red Line at 95th Street has “considerable equity implications,” “reminds one of the ‘colony’ and the ‘motherland’ divides of a past time”
The economic impact of certain information loss when it comes to businesses and government bodies can be analyzed in terms of legal issues, search traffic for businesses, and history. All three areas can affect businesses and government entities economically and thus the economy overall.
Attorney Robert Patillo, who is organizing the press conference and who is the executive director of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition’s Peachtree Project in Atlanta, said, “We appreciate the Savannah Alliance of Pastors for inviting Rev. Jackson to bring national attention to the concerns of racial injustice here in Savannah, Georgia.
“The Biden Administration knows the vaccine mandate is not Constitutional and so they are leaning on businesses to implement the mandate on their own accord to get as many compliant companies as possible before the courts strike the mandate down,”