Now with the governor’s approval, starting with the 103rd General Assembly that begins Jan. 11, the base pay for part-time state legislators will increase to $85,000. #illinois #illinoisbudget
McCarthy’s election was the 15th time it took multiple votes to elect a speaker of the House, with the most contentious taking 133 votes over two months. #speakerofthehouse
In DuPage County this past election, an election official was comparing mail-in ballot applications to verify signatures on the ballots, not the original voter signature on file with the county’s elections office. #elections
"The Martin Luther King Republicans utilize the Six Principles of Non-Violence in the political arena to fulfill Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision of a united America." #MLK
Illinois is one of the most restrictive states in the country for gun ownership and yet it is also one of the most violent states in the nation. #guncontrol
This year's Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration is in partnership with SSC, and the Thornton Township High School District 205. #southsuburbancollege #mlk #ssc