On Tuesday, Joy dropped off bags with patients during their appointments in Orland Park and supplied the cancer center with enough bags to hand out for the next several months. #cancer
The new law allows the OIG to report workers who engage in such misconduct to Illinois’ existing Health Care Worker Registry, which would bar them from working in any health care setting in the state. #abuse
More than 10,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago from the southern border over the past nine months, which has resulted in taxpayer funding going towards addressing the influx #migrants
“Whether we’re dealing with technological issues that are positive or negative for our state, it’s critical that our General Assembly is ready to make timely, informed and responsible decisions..."
To maintain security, DoIT urges the State to remain vigilant about potential threats and continue to equip staff with the necessary resources to prevent future attacks. #DoIT
The increase to MAP funding by $100 million takes another giant step toward ensuring higher education is affordable for students across Illinois... #highereducation