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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sullivan Claims Win at Tazewell GOP Forum

PRESS RELEASE: Sullivan painted a positive, optimistic vision for Illinois

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Sullivan Claims Win at Tazewell GOP Forum (Washington, IL) — At the biggest, most widely watched candidate forum in the Republican primary to date, Jesse Sullivan emerged as the clear favorite and the strongest candidate to take on J.B. Pritzker and Save Illinois.

Even on stage against more seasoned politicians, the outsider Sullivan painted a positive, optimistic vision for Illinois, pledging to lead with his values of faith, family, and service, clearly connecting with the Republican audience on questions about crime, taxes, education, and pro-life values.

Sullivan articulated clear, specific policy proposals like the Safe Streets Plan, which has been endorsed and supported by nearly two dozen sheriffs and law-enforcement leaders in Illinois, and the Clean Up Illinois plan, which has been endorsed by former Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope.

“To everyone still on the fence about their vote in the primary, I’d be honored to have your support as we take back Illinois from the corrupt insiders and failed leaders including J.B. Pritzker,” Sullivan said. “The issues we’re facing in Illinois are too big and too important for more of the same from the same old political insiders.”

Key Sullivan quotes from the forum:

“These politicians have taken everything I love about our great state and they’ve driven it into the ground. You can do one of two things here in Illinois. You can get up and leave… or you can stand up and fight back. [applause] and that’s what I’ve decided to do, is stand up and fight back for the people of Illinois. [applause]”

“If you want to know my governing philosophy, it’s this: Take power away from these corrupt, career insider politicians, and give it back to the people of Illinois. [applause]”

“We need to look more like Texas and Florida, not New York and California [applause]. I am the only candidate that has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, saying I will veto any new tax that comes across my desk when I am governor.”

Sullivan Claims Win at Tazewell GOP Forum

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