Joyce Encourages Students to Participate in Summer Reading Program (Essex, IL) — To emphasize the importance of learning throughout the summer, State Senator Patrick Joyce is hosting a Summer Book Club.
“Summer break is a chance for students to have fun, but it’s still important to read during this time, too,” said Joyce (D-Essex). “I’m encouraging students to participate in my Summer Book Club this year so they can continue to build their reading skills for the upcoming school year.”
The Summer Book Club requires students to read eight books of their choice during the summer break, record the names of the books on a form and return the form to Senator Joyce’s office by Aug. 18. Every child who completes the Summer Book Club will receive a certificate from Senator Joyce and will be invited to a pizza party hosted by the senator.
Summer Book Club forms are available to download at or at any public library located in the 40th District. Residents with questions can reach out to Joyce’s office at (708) 756-0882.
Joyce Encourages Students to Participate in Summer Reading Program