IL Freedom Caucus condemns unconstitutional gun bill (Springfield, IL) – The Illinois General Assembly has once again wasted time and taxpayer resources to push through yet another gun bill that will most certainly not withstand a Constitutional challenge, according to members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus.
“Radical leftists are congratulating themselves for ramming through yet another gun bill, but their victory today will be a short-lived one and they know it. House Bill 4144 mandates police seizure of firearms from anyone subject to an order of protection or “red flag” order and includes ex parte orders in which there is no notification of a hearing or any due process rights. Furthermore, there are no provisions for the return of firearms should the ex parte orders be dismissed.
No one wants criminals to use firearms to commit acts of violence, but the way to stop violent acts from happening is to punish those who break the law and to increase the penalties for those who violate orders of protection. There are solutions that actually work. Unfortunately, the Democrats chose the least effective path by passing a bill that will most likely be ruled unconstitutional, proving that the priority of the radical left is not to solve problems but rather to make political statements. Illinois needs solutions and real leadership not more political slogans and activism.”
IL Freedom Caucus condemns unconstitutional gun bill