Illinois’ pretrial system now allows people who do not pose a safety risk to continue to work, care for their families, and improve themselves while their cases proceed. #pretrialfairness
New data shows how successful universal test prep can be. Many prestigious universities such as New York University (NYU) and several Historically Black Colleges and Universities have embraced free test preparation... #licensing
Over the last several months, it has become increasingly clear that Eileen O'Neill Burke has demonstrated little genuine interest in the concerns and needs of the Black community. #election
Voters in Illinois are being posed three “advisory” questions that ask voters whether they support a specific policy but aren’t legally binding. #ballots
“Diamond Envelope Corporation has proven it’s willing to go above and beyond when it comes to workplace safety,” said Illinois Department of Labor Director Jane Flanagan. #safety
Fioretti, a former Alderman of Chicago's 2nd Ward which included the neighborhood known as "Little Italy," said "The IAPC is one of the leading civic groups in the City of Chicago and Cook County. #endorse