South Suburban College to Host Workforce Program Virtual Open Houses in January (South Holland, IL) — South Suburban College (SSC) is hosting virtual open houses for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program via Zoom on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at noon and Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The open houses will allow the public to learn about accessing employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. Specifically, the public will learn about Accounting, Cisco Network Technician, Coding, Medical Assistant, Associate Degree Nursing (ADN), Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Phlebotomy, Patient Care Technician, Pharmacy Technician, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and Welding specialties.
WIOA is designed to create, support and expand workforce training opportunities among youth and adults. WIOA ensures the barriers to employment, high-quality jobs and careers are removed so employers can hire skilled workers. The workforce development programs ensure that employers and job seekers needs are met through strategic plans, accountability, performance goals, regional collaboration, and transparency.
The community is invited to learn about the benefits of the WIOA program and its certificate/degree tracks. The public is encouraged to register in advance for the open house via Zoom on January 24 at: Those interested in attending the open house via Zoom on January 26 are also encouraged to register in advance at: For more information about the SSC WIOA program, please contact Kenneth Cohn, Director of Workforce Development, at (708) 596-2000, ext. 6040, or email
The Spring 2023 Semester begins at South Suburban College on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Class schedules, registration services and a “live chat” option are available online at
South Suburban College to Host Workforce Program Virtual Open Houses in January