“Judge Jackson is an excellent choice - a brilliant legal mind with a judicial temperament that will bolster the integrity of the Supreme Court. A swift confirmation is in our country's best interest,” said Alderman Pat Dowell, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 1st District.
“I am very humbled by the growing support for our campaign. There is a lot of work to be done on this campaign and in Congress. I am so grateful to have the help of so many folks,” said Pat Dowell.
Many of the endorsing ministers came together last week at a fundraiser for Dowell honoring her leadership and public service, all agree that Dowell is the candidate best positioned to protect voting rights in the coming months and years.
To succeed, we must have a nominee who appeals to the people who vote Democratic, namely women and, more precisely, African American women.
“As our campaign continues to move forward, we are adding team members to help deliver our message,” said Dowell.
#PatDowell #SecretaryOfStateRaceIllinois
Dowell is proud of all that the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office has done over the years to help its citizens with literacy issues but is also focused on expanding the office’s reach in this area.