“I strongly encourage property owners to review their reassessment notice to ensure their property characteristics and market value reflect their home,” said Assessor Fritz Kaegi. #property
If a homeowner believes they are eligible for an exemption, they can apply for their missing property tax savings by completing a Certificate of Error application... #propertytaxes
The Assessor’s Office reassesses one-third of the county every year. In 2023, the south and west suburbs of Cook County are undergoing reassessment. #assessor
The automatic renewal of the Homeowner, Senior, and Persons with Disabilities Exemptions will continue, and postcards will be mailed to households confirming that no action is needed. #propertytaxes
Nitchoff, along with other individuals, provided Memisovski with home improvement materials, home improvement services, contracts for electrical work, jewelry, meals, sporting events tickets, and other items of value... #cookcounty